Sunday, August 5, 2012

A New Start.

David Copperfield once wrote "Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show. To begin my life with the beginning of my life, I record that I was born."

I begin my story, not with my birth but with my rebirth. For although my many adventures have lead me here. I am starting a very new chapter in my life. 

The "Road less traveled" has been my path for as long as I can remember, and like many off you I have faced much adversity and many struggles trying to make it in an ever changing and competitive world. I have traveled down this path, in 6 inch stiletto's, pushing forward when the world pushed back twice as hard, and I am stronger for it.

As children we where promised the world, that great rewards come to those who follow there dreams. That if we only stayed true to our hearts, that our passions would lead us to Fame and Fortune. Then life happened! Truth set in when we realized that there is much sacrifice and struggle when following your dreams. But isn't it worth it? All the crapy jobs, and late paid bills, are worth the moment when you get to do what you love. If only for a moment!

My passion has always been, Fashion! The art we live our lives in. The statement of who we are, when we put on that fabulous ensemble, step out into the world and proclaim "here I am!"

My job as a Fashion Stylist, is to bring works of art into the world, to dress and inspire. To make you feel like a star, creating that inner beauty you already posses.

So Please follow my story and adventures. Get to know me, my struggles and success; and along the way get some fabulous fashion advice!

Fashionably yours.

Denise Delise

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